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Fresh & Delish

25% off the total bill.

About Fresh & Delish

Fresh and Delish is just that, always fresh and always delicious, we can guarantee it’s nothing like you have ever tried before. Walid, the cook was never a trained cook.  Just loves good food and infusions of tastes from around the world. Walid left London for the seaside to pursue his dream career, cooking for people to put smiles on their faces. Two of his favourites. Food and the sea.

Walid is generous with his well-priced portion and most of the time you are guaranteed a small taste of something he is cooking. Remember to ask for the “secret menu”. All food is made on the premises and they rarely taste exactly the same as the food made in batches and never stick to a recipe. But that is not a bad thing at all!

The falafel is made from a divine homemade recipe and so is the lamb shawarma, no less than 30 ingredients marinade for some 36 hours in the fridge to give this melt in the mouth aromatic wrap a taste second to none. A client once told Walid “it’s like a carnival on my tongue”. Another said, “only a magician can invent a mix of ingredients to come up with this taste… I like that”. Not to forget the boastful 5 out of 5 hygiene rating that fresh and delish has secured in November 2020. You can pay by card, cash, sit outside and take away. 

Come and try, if you are allergic to nuts, stay away from walid, he is the biggest nutter of all.

Bournemouth Station Roundabout, Holdenhurst Road BH8 8EB Bournemouth

Telephone number: 07876 464555

Email: Chef@freshndelish.uk

Terms and Conditions

Your card must be presented/made known to staff before ordering. Only the cardholder is permitted to use the card. Not to be used in conjunction with other offers, only one offer may be used at a time.

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Fresh & Delish

Bournemouth Station Roundabout, Holdenhurst Road BH8 8EB Bournemouth


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